On Sunday, September 30th, on the last day of Faire at Grass Valley, CA with St. Andrew's Noble Order of the Royal Scots, I was given the Thor's Hammer.
The Thor's Hammer is a once in a lifetime award given to the person who is considered to have worked hard in general, and especially for that particular Faire. Seeing as this was my first year, I was and still am humbled and honored to get this, to cherish this, to be part of my Faire family.
But more importantly, as an Aspie, this means a LOT to me because it means one very important thing. I AM DOING IT RIGHT. Because no matter how hard I worked if I were not liked by my peers, I seriously doubt they would have voted for me. If I was not liked by my peers, I would not be invited to pool parties later. Or talked too late at night over beer, or trusted.
And thank GOD, because I want to do it right. I want to control my Aspie self. And here but for the grace of God go I, it seems to be happening. Not that I can let down my guard, but...
And I have worn it every day since. One day I might take it off. But right now, it just means too much.
God bless,